‘Thankfully it is taken more seriously now’ - My work as a tenancy fraud manager at L&Q

Nicola Evans

Tenancy fraud has long been an issue in the social housing sector. In the latest in our Frontline Stories series, Olivia Barber speaks with Nicola Evans, manager of L&Q’s dedicated tenancy fraud team, about her work.

“If you’ve never been in a position that you have to rely on social housing, then you wouldn’t necessarily understand the bigger implications of it” says Nicola Evans.

Evans, tenancy fraud manager at L&Q, is talking to Housing Today about her passion for tackling tenancy fraud, born out of her strongly-held belief that social housing should not be something for people to exploit.

This belief has led to Evans, who is also a commitee member of the government-backed Tenancy Fraud Forum (TFF), dedicating much of her career to investigating the problem for housing associations and local authorities

In the latest in Housing Today’s Frontline Stories series, Evans explains more about what her role entails.

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