All section 106 articles
Retirement Villages Group gets green light for 144-home Epping Forest scheme
Epping Forest District Council has granted the AXA-owned developer permission to deliver an over-65s development in Chigwell
In Focus
Grey belt, green belt and the curious case of Labour’s benchmark land value
The new government’s plans to allow more development on parts of the green belt have been hailed as a potential game-changer for housing supply. However, there are growing fears that the ‘golden rules’ governing the release of sites may simply make sites unviable
Could smaller section 106 deals help keep affordable housing delivery alive?
SME housebuilders could form partnerships to deliver section 106 homes to housing associations’ quality standards, argues Simon Corp
Yorkshire housing providers consider setting minimum quality standard for section 106 homes
Nick Atkin says housing associations fear having to retrofit new homes if they are not built to a high enough quality by housebuilders