All Regulations articles – Page 5
Why power connection delays are more likely to slow development in Scotland
As the Scottish government declares a national emergency, Nicky Grant outlines one area of regulation that could be changed to speed up housing schemes north of the border
What should co-design in the local planning process look like?
Rather than standardising physical parameters, authority-wide design codes should be utilised by the next government as a “patchwork of participation”, writes Ben Derbyshire
Ex-Peabody boss to step down from Sustainability for Housing chair role
Brendan Sarsfield will stand down from his role as chair of the social housing sustainability reporting organisation later this year, after more than three years in the position
Persimmon gets green light for 353-home scheme after agreeing ‘innovative’ credits deal to offset nutrient pollution
Housebuilder to build scheme on site of former US military hospital in Herefordshire
Home Group hires new director to enhance customer journeys
The 55,000-home housing association has appointed Colette Flattery as its new customer experience director
London council sees housing starts slump by 96% in the past year
Southwark Council’s start figures have dropped from 684 to 28 last year
Mayor slams shelving of renters reform bill amid a 52% rise in no-fault evictions in the capital
Sadiq Khan has referred to the bill being dropped as a ‘huge betrayal’
Sunak’s big election gamble – how the housing sector reacted
Initial thoughts from housing leaders as the prime minister unexpectedly calls a 4 July election
DLUHC opens consultation on social housing tenants’ rights to access information about their homes
Government proposing to allow tenants to more easily access information about the management of their homes ‘to hold their landlords to account’
Fixing poor-quality homes could save the NHS and social care £1.5bn a year, research finds
Research by the Building Research Establishment on behalf of the Centre for Ageing Better finds that investment in home improvements could help save public sector services billions per year
Let’s hear it for the humble Energy Performance Certificate
The humble EPC has survived and could become the cornerstone of an information-rich housing market, writes Ben Derbyshire.
Report commissioned by Labour proposes introduction of private rent caps
Labour has responded to the report stating that rent controls are not official party policy but that action does need to be taken to protect renters
Probe into Sanctuary reveals repair delays and ‘inadequate’ staff training on tenant vulnerabilities
A review ordered by the Housing Ombudsman under the Social Housing Regulation Act looked at nearly 4,000 cases
Orbit sets target to build and regenerate 5,700 homes by 2030
The Midlands-housing association’s new corporate strategy will focus on continuing to build homes ‘at scale’
Berkeley wins approval for 500-home Hackney estate regeneration
Scheme designed by Lifschutz Davidson Sandilands will include 26-storey tower
L&Q recovers 143 homes from tenancy fraud over the last year
The 105,000-home housing association made 100 tenancy recoveries the year before
More than half of social landlords missing 100% gas safety compliance target, Housemark survey finds
The housing data specialist’s figures also show that complaint volumes have risen by almost a fifth
It’s time to rethink how we set social housing rents
Outdated rent-setting practices no longer meet the needs of tenants or providers, argues Charles Kaminaris
CIH welcomes DESNZ’s changes to Social Housing Decarbonisation Fund wave three
The membership body says that changes to the scheme design should make delivery easier and shows DESNZ has listened to feedback
Rent policy changes put 300,000 social homes at risk of becoming unsustainable, warns G15
Inequalities to social rents have cost London’s largest housing associations more than £2bn, housing association group says