All Regulations articles – Page 4
Four more local authorities breach new consumer standards
Electrical safety requirements, overdue water safety actions and missed gas safety inspections among failings identified in latest batch of judgements from the Regulator of Social Housing
Scottish Housing Regulator finds many landlords have appropriate tenant safety measures in place
The regulator said that tenant and resident safety was a ‘key priority’ for landlords it visited as part of its annual risk assessments
Competition regulator to review GMCA’s brownfield housing scheme
Scheme will provide £500m in subsidies to providers developing brownfield sites in Greater Manchester
Housing Ombudsman launches probe into Lewisham Council over high maladministration rate
London authority self-referred to the Regulator of Social Housing in December last year over concerns about whether it was providing decent homes
Housing providers and charities urge government to adopt accessibility standards for new-build homes
The Centre for Ageing Better says 250,000 more accessible homes could have been built if the previous government had adopted the regulations
Half of complaints referred to the Ombudsman are from social housing tenants in London
The Ombudsman acknowledges that the operating environment for social landlords in London is “vastly different” from other areas
Two housing associations given ‘C1’ gradings for meeting new RSH consumer standards
The regulator has issued two more judgements on consumer standards as part of its first round of inspections since 1 April
RSH opens investigation into Southwark Council over potential ‘serious failings’
Probe launched after 36,000-home local authority landlord self-referred over missed electrical safety tests
A2Dominion focuses on changing repairs systems and patch sizes following Ombudsman ruling
The housing association has changed how it manages third-party contractors and reduced leasehold manager caseloads
Regulator warns social landlords to learn ‘important lessons’ after nine councils breached consumer standards in 2023/24
The Regulator of Social Housing reveals findings from its annual consumer regulations review
Ombudsman writes to social landlords about ‘serious concerns’ over window-related complaints
Richard Blakeway warns of “unsafe living conditions, where windows are falling onto the ground or boarded-up for prolonged periods”
S&P downgrades credit rating of London housing association RHP
Energy efficiency upgrades a key factor in decision to reduce rating from ‘A’ to ‘A-‘
Regulator upgrades Nottingham-based housing association’s governance grading
Tuntum Housing Association’s governance grading has returned to G1 after it was downgraded in 2021
Housemark sets sights on developing real-time data analytics programme
Data business owned by the Chartered Institute of Housing and the National Housing Federation says that real-time data is a “golden opportunity” for the sector
Abri appoints former head of housing at Clarion as new managing director for South region
Helen Wilson is the new regional managing director for Abri’s recently created South region
Social housing tenant satisfaction drops to five-year low, Housemark analysis reveals
Analysis of tenant satisfaction measures (TSM) reveals overall satisfaction has fallen 15 percentage points in five years
Only a quarter of tall buildings with unsafe cladding have completed remediation
Latest official figures reveal scale of work still to be done to make high rise housing blocks safe
In Focus
‘Start now and try to move as fast as you can’ - CIH boss Gavin Smart gives his advice for the next government on housing
The chief executive speaks to Carl Brown about his thoughts on the manifestos, how we boost the financial capacity of social landlords, mandatory qualifications and the new Housing Community Summit in Liverpool
Labour vows to end ‘bidding wars’ in the private rented sector
Angela Rayner and Rachel Reeves will outline Labour’s rental and housing reforms in an announcement today
Social landlords report decrease in tower blocks with 'life critical' external wall fire safety defects
The regulator’s latest fire safety remediation report attributes the reduction “at least in part” to the completion of remedial works in some buildings