All Regulations articles – Page 2
Lower than expected permitted rent rise for English social landlords next year
Calls for new rent settlement intensify after September inflation figure drops to 1.7%.
Scottish regulator warns of ‘systemic failure’ to deliver homelessness services
The organisation says the last year has been the most challenging for social housing since the Scottish Housing Regulator was formed in 2012
Badenoch: Labour’s Renters’ Rights Bill a “discentive” for private landlords
The shadow housing secretary says the last government wasn’t able to make the legislation work
Rayner vows to get Renters’ Rights Bill into law ‘as soon as possible’
Children and families facing the ‘cruel threat’ of no fault evictions have waited ‘far too long already,’ says housing secretary as bill returns to parliament
Northern Ireland Housing Executive invests £14m in 300-home retrofit scheme
The public housing authority’s ‘whole house’ retrofit programme will upgrade hundreds of homes by spring 2025
Calico Homes sets up hate crime reporting service in Burnley
The regulator’s revised consumer standards require social landlords to tackle hate incidents and ASB
Ombudsman urges GreenSquareAccord to make further improvements to complaint handling
The Housing Ombudsman has told the housing association it needs to address the ‘root causes’ of complaints
Let’s not nationalise social housing by mistake: why Burnham’s call for mandatory councillors on HA boards is mistaken
The Mayor of Greater Manchester has called for the return of local authority representation to housing association boards. James Tickell explains why this is not the best way of improving governance.
Non-compliant ForHousing sells maintenance business to contractor Wates
1,100-employee company now part of contractor giant
Ombudsman launches special investigation into complaint-handling at Wandle Housing Association
The watchdog will examine its high maladministration rate to determine whether complaints are indicative of wider failure
Building costs higher than house prices in one in five areas, Housing Forum finds
A report from the cross-sector network estimates that building a new home costs more than £250,000, which is higher than local house prices in some areas
Social landlords ‘may be more effective at resolving complaints from shared owners than from renters’, Ombudsman says
Watchdog highlights mismatch between high dissatisfaction of shared owners and level of complaints
NHF and RICS to develop standardised stock condition survey for social housing sector
The standard will be created in partnership with housing associations and trade bodies
Harlow District Council latest to breach consumer standards
Essex local authority becomes 11th council to receive ‘C3’ grading after missed fire-risk assessments
Slough Borough Council considers future of its troubled wholly-owned housing company
The council will consider the case for continuing with James Elliman Homes (JEH) which has made a loss since 2020
Non-compliant A2Dominion hires new interim governance and compliance director
Housing association has appointed Hformer RBH director Hilary Milne as new interim director overseeing its governance and compliance
In Focus
Key takeaways from the Building the Future Conference and Housing Today Live
Church House in Westminster yesterday was the venue for two back-to-back conferences on construction and housing attended by hundreds of professionals from the built environment. Here is a round-up of the key talking points from the event, run by Building and Housing Today.
Ombudsman report criticises landlords for poor handling of temporary moves to carry out repairs
Blakeway identifies communication, timing, and not following policies as key issues in the maladministration cases reviewed
One in four social housing blocks with fire safety defects lack remediation plans, says regulator
Social landlords have identified 1,932 buildings as having ‘life-critical’ fire safety defects to the EWS
Three more councils found in breach of regulator’s consumer standards
Castle Point Borough Council, North Yorkshire Council and Warwickshire Council have received ‘C3’ gradings