All Regulations articles – Page 10
ALMO set for closure by Newcastle Council appoints chair and vice chair
Your Homes Newcastle makes new appointments to oversee closure
Burnham launches consultation on Good Landlord Charter
The Mayor of Greater Manchester says he will not let bad landlords “off the hook” and that 2024 has to be a year of change in the housing sector
Regulator of Social Housing hires former CIH and Savills policy guru
Abigail Davies joins regulator as it gears up for expanded consumer role
Gove launches consultation to increase transparency of land trust ownership
The consultation will look at widening access to trust information on overseas entities that own UK land
A2Dominion governance status downgraded due to ‘serious regulatory concerns’
Housing association says it is working with the RSH to restore rating
Local authority self-refers to the regulator for potential consumer standards breach
The council says it is allocating resources to fire safety improvements, rather than refurbishment works, which is affecting the condition of its properties
Government releases an additional £1.25bn for the Social Housing Decarbonisation Fund
The additional SHDF funding has been announced as part of £6bn for energy efficiency measures for 2025-2028
Regulator upgrades three RPs and downgrades another in latest judgements
RSH publishes 60 judgements
Housing Ombudsman launches special investigations into three London social landlords
Special investigations instigated over issues with damp and mould, repairs and complaint handling
Gove summons five housing associations for a meeting over maladministration findings
The secretary of state has written another batch of 10 letters to housing associations, on the back of severe maladministration findings
Regulator of Social Housing publishes guidance on Tenant Satisfaction Measures
RSH will evaluate TSM requirements for providers with fewer than 1,000 homes following voluntary pilot
Percentage of major planning applications decided within statutory 13-week period increases
Almost 90% of applications were decided within 13 weeks or the agreed time, Government planning data finds
Berkeley halts investment in new development due to planning and regulation concerns
Housebuilder to focus instead on “financial strength” in “volatile and unsupportive” operating environment
Home Group appoints Southern Housing director to head up building safety
Monika Lee, who worked for Kensington & Chelsea council in the aftermath of Grenfell, joins 55,000-home association
Building Safety Regulator appoints interim as permanent head
Philip White will continue in role he has been in since April
Building Safety Regulator aims to assess four in 10 occupied higher-risk buildings by 2026
New regulator publishes its first strategic plan, setting out a three-year ‘roadmap’ for action
Regulator of Social Housing issues six social landlords with viability downgrades
Increased investment in existing homes is weakening providers’ financial capacity, RSH warns
Inland Homes’ for-profit RP Rosewood Housing breaches regulatory standard
RSH says social homes could be lost if sale of Rosewood is not completed
Plans for 70-home development in East Devon approved amid sewage concerns
The outline application, which was deferred last month to consult the Environment Agency and local water company, has been approved
Hunt announces £110m nutrient mitigation fund to ‘unlock 40,000 homes’
Extension of affordable homes guarantee scheme and low borrowing rates for councils also confirmed