All Regulations articles
Notting Hill Genesis recruits Livv chief executive to its board as it aims to regain compliance
Léann Hearne, who is also vice-chair of Yorkshire Housing, has joined G15 landlord to monitor its improvement plan
Government announces phased timetable for Awaab’s Law
Sector welcomes plan to introduce policy in phases with focus on damp and mould from October
Contractor says developers could fund pre-application process to ease building safety ‘gateway 2’ logjam
McLaren warns larger new high-rise housing projects are being stalled for up to a year by checks under the Building Safety Act
Sadiq Khan consults on plans for new intermediate rental tenure for key workers
Mayor London proposes rents based on 40 per cent of key workers’ incomes
Ombudsman highlights ‘clear and common failings’ in social landlords' approach to ASB
Anti-social behaviour identified as second highest source of Ombudsman complaints
Review finds failings in Aster Group’s maintenance of ‘living roofs’
A review ordered by the Housing Ombudsman after detachment of roof planting finds lack of safety measures and irrigation systems
Three more Scottish social landlords identify RAAC in their homes
Scottish Housing Regulator data reveals that a total of 16 landlords have now found RAAC in their homes.
Nine housing associations re-issued with ‘V2’ financial viability grade following stability checks
All of the housing associations assessed so far kept their existing financial viability grades
Pushing for rent convergence ‘priority’ for NHF as it draws up consultation response
Trade body calls for evidence from housing association members on financial capacity impact of re-introducing policy ditched in 2015
Ombudsman warns sector after issuing 10 landlords with multiple complaint failure orders in first quarter
Richard Blakeway frustrated over repeated Complaint Handling Failure Orders
Housing Ombudsman's orders against social landlords triple year-on-year
Blakeway made almost 22,000 recommendations to put things right in 2023/24
Regulator of Social Housing issues top ‘C1’ grading to a council for the first time
A South Yorkshire council has received a ‘C1’ for how it is meeting the consumer standards outcomes
Orbit appoints new director of customer experience
Former Asda customer insight lead will be responsible for creating new strategy
Alex Norris replaces Rushanara Ali as building safety minister
Ali lost the brief after it came to light that she had attended a conference sponsored by a cladding firm linked to Grenfell
CIH Scotland has ‘serious concerns’ that introducing Passivhaus equivalent will affect housing delivery
Devolved government plans to bring in standard for all new builds
New NHF report urges social landlords to use data to make contact with residents count
The report says that landlords do not need to wait for IT solutions to make use of resident data
Landlords struggling with damp and mould repairs timescales, Ombudsman finds
The watchdog has shared more than 100 severe maladministration cases on damp and mould ahead of Awaab’s Law being introduced.
Next steps for business planning in housing associations
Financial reporting season has barely come to an end for English registered providers but work on next year’s budget planning and financial forecast returns (FFRs) will have to start within weeks. Helen Routledge provides tips for improvement
Newham Council becomes first social landlord to receive lowest ‘C4’ consumer grade
Regulator calls for “significant change” at London borough after finding missed electrical tests, fire checks and thousands of overdue repairs
Lower than expected permitted rent rise for English social landlords next year
Calls for new rent settlement intensify after September inflation figure drops to 1.7%.