Hampshire landlord recruits Andrew Binnie, Caroline Stockmann and Abi Kee to its board
Vivid has hired Andrew Binnie, Caroline Stockmann and Abi Kee to its board.
Source: Vivid
(l to r) Abi Kee, Andrew Binnie and Caroline Stockmann
The trio all have corporate finance or treasury experience and Hampshire-based Vivid said the move will enable it to strengthen its governance and enhance its “strategic capabilities.”
Binnie has nearly 30 years of experience in corporate finance, treasury and capital markets. He is currently the group treasury director at BT Group and has previously held positions at Vodafone and Lloyds TSB.
Stockmann, who is board member designate before taking up her role fully in July, has worked for a range of organisations including chairing a committee at the Bank of England. She was also previously chief executive of the Association of Corporate Treasurers
Kee, who is a co-opted member of Vivid’s treasury committee, has expertise in strategic capital raising, corporate finance and risk management. She spent 10 years at JP Morgan in various debt capital markets role and more recently held a managing director role at BNP Paribas.
Vivid in 2023/24 built 1,524 homes, up 10% on the 1,390 it completed the previous year. It surplus however fell sharply from £71.8m to £53.8m. This drop was largely attributable to a near £18m increase in interest and financing costs.
Mark Perry, chief executive of Vivid, said: ”We are pleased to welcome Andrew, Caroline and Abi to our board. Their extensive experience and unique perspectives will be instrumental as we navigate the evolving landscape of housing and strive to deliver new homes and create communities for our customers.”
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