Gloucestershire-based provider promotes Carol Dover.

Two Rivers Housing has appointed Carol Dover to the newly created position of deputy chief executive.

carol dover

Carol Dover is the new depuy chief executive of Two Rivers Housing

Dover worked at the 4,450-home provider, which operates in Gloucestershire and Herefordshire, as corporate director of resources since 2019.

She has previously worked as head of finance at 10,500-home Connexus.

The move is part of a restructure of group’s executive team, which will also see the appointment of an executive director of Homes and an executive director of people and neighbourhoods.

Dover said: “This is a special organisation that has the power to make a real difference for the thousands of families that live in our homes.”

The association also announced last month that Ted Pearce will take over as chair when Yvonne Leishman reaches the end of her term in October 2024.

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Pearce has served on the Two Rivers Housing Board since 2019 and currently Chairs the Two Rivers Development Board. 

Two Rivers was formed following a stock transfer from the Forest of Dean District Council in 2003.