Founder of Direct Works dies aged 80 after half a century working in the sector

The social housing sector has been paying tribute to housing maintenance and skills expert Keith Simpson, who has died at the age of 80.

Simpson founded the Direct Works Forum in 1998, a network of social landlords who deliver direct maintenance services, which grew to more than 130 local authority and housing association members.

keith simpson

Keith Simpson founded Direct Works Forum (now known as Direct Works) in 1998.

He also founded consultancy Just Housing, after several decades of working in building or maintenance roles for local authorities, including Peterborough, Islington and Sheffield City Council, which he started at in 1970.

Direct Works, in a post on LinkedIn, said: “Keith will be remembered by his many friends and colleagues for his passionate interest in supporting and mentoring young people – particularly in designing and delivering professional training programmes to encourage new talent into the sector.

“On behalf of all the team, our thoughts are with Keith’s family and friends. We will continue to honour his legacy at Direct Works where his humour, kindness and commitment continue to inspire us.”

Helen Cope, board member at Metropolitan Thames Valley Housing, said: “This is really sad news. Keith was such an inspiration. He championed the direct delivery of excellent services to our customers and was such a kind and supportive presence over the years. His passion and boundless energy will be greatly missed.”

Neil Yeomans, head of property safety and technology at Orbit Group, said: “He had more influence on our sector than any CEO in the land for me.

“He was utterly generous with his time and knowledge and gave me so many sage pieces of advice over the years.”

Stephen Eltringham, managing director, property & Construction at Bernicia Group, said: “So sorry to hear the news. A great man who fought for the sector and my thoughts and condolences go to Keith’s family. RIP Keith.”