Lianne Taylor joins Midlands-landlord as it ramps up spend on existing homes as part of net zero strategy
Platform Housing Group has hired Lianne Taylor as its first director of sustainability to “cultivate a culture to decarbonise.”
Taylor will be responsible for implementing sustainability strategies across the 50,000-home housing association’s stock as well as collaborating with stakeholders and the supply chain in the transition towards net zero.
The new recruit joins the Midlands-based landlord with almost 20 years of experience, previously working as head of environmental sustainability at Graham, a company that specialises in building, civil engineering, interior fit out, facilities management and investments.
The appointment is part of Platform’s drive to upgrade all homes to energy performance certificate ‘c’ or better by 2030 and net zero by 2050.
Platform increased the amount it spent on improving existing homes in the first quarter of 2024/25 from £3.9m to £9.7m. The rise followed a 60% increase in its annual investment in existing homes in 2023/24 to £15m.
Taylor said: “Platform’s commitment and dedication to implement positive change and a greener future for its customers and communities aligns with both my personal and professional objectives.
“I am thrilled to have the opportunity to make a meaningful contribution to the delivery of social housing by reducing greenhouse gas emissions associated with our homes whilst enhancing the quality of life experienced by our customers.
>>See also: Platform Housing Group hails ‘record-breaking’ amount of starts
>>See also: Platform more than doubles spend on existing homes in first quarter
“My aim is to not only advance Platform’s sustainability goals but also to contribute to wider action and innovation. I look forward to contributing to the Group’s vision of delivering great services and empowering communities.”
Taylor is a fellow of the Energy Institute, a full and chartered member of The Institute of Environmental Management and Assessment (IEMA) and holds a master’s degree in environmental management. She also undertook a postgraduate certificate in hydrogen energy systems.
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