Judy Hardy was appointed to the role on an interim basis in September last year

Places for People has appointed Judy Hardy as its new permanent chief risk officer, after doing the role on an interim basis for the last seven months.

Judy Hardy

Source: Places for People

After working in various roles at Places for People for the last 18 years, including bids, research, and regulation, Hardy recently became chief risk officer.

Hardy has been at the 230,000-home association since 2005, when she joined as the head of the chief executive’s office.

Prior to becoming interim chief risk officer, she was the company’s director of regulation.

She has now joined Places for People’s executive leadership team and will attend its audit and risk committee.

Regarding Hardy’s appointment, Greg Reed, group chief executive officer at Places for Peopl said: “I’m proud that one of our own, someone who has been with us for 18 years, is now our chief risk officer. Judy’s vast experience, her knowledge of UK housing regulation and her relationships with our regulatory and governance stakeholders, as well as her brilliant awareness and judgment, made her the right person for this critical role”.

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Hardy added: “It is a privilege to be asked to be Places for People’s chief risk officer, an organisation in which I am so invested. We aspire to be and be known as the UK’s leading social enterprise, changing lives by creating and supporting thriving communities. I believe wholeheartedly in this mission; it’s why I’m here. In my new role I hope I can continue to make a significant contribution, to work with my executive colleagues and teammates across the business to ensure that we continue to operate in a safe and compliant way, providing valued services for our customers and communities.”

Places for People last year launched a strategic land division as part of a plan to build 5,000 homes a year.