Housing association giant says combined department led by Phil Jenkins aims to deliver better services
Peabody has announced Phil Jenkins as its new chief investment officer.
Jenkins, currently executive director of development at the G15 landlord, will from 1 April lead a new investment directorate formed as part of a plan to improve services.
The new department will combine the 108,000-home landlord’s existing development and property services and assets teams into one.
Peter Evans, currently executive director of property services & assets at Peabody, will leave the landlord on 31 May. A spokesperson for Peabody said Evans has decided to step back from full-time work.
A spokesperson said the new directorate “aligns with Peabody’s vision to ensure its homes and neighbourhoods continue to meet residents” needs.
She said: “This will build on Peabody’s existing priorities of getting the basics right and putting residents first. The move aims to deliver better services and better homes and places for the long-term.”
>>See also: Selling non-core assets currently a ‘focus’ for Peabody
>>See also: Peabody and Hill strike £116m deal with BTR operator as part of 3,500-home Dagenham scheme
Peabody’s development of new homes fell sharply in 2023/24, with 1,381 homes completed compared to 2,399 the previous year.
The landlord has said it is focusing “on getting the basics right” and has increased its spend on existing homes. It spent £371m in total on existing homes in 2023/24 compared to £356m the previous year.
Ian McDermott, chief executive of Peabody, said: “Financial and organisational resilience are essential for us to deliver good services and homes for residents.
“Bringing these services together is a key part of joining up our long-term investment in homes from the very start ensuring they meet residents’ needs throughout their lifetime.
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