Watchdog highlights examples including landlords failing to implement timely home adaptations for a child receiving chemotherapy and for a tenant who was unable to wash herself for 14 months
Several social landlords have fallen short when managing adaptation requests from residents with disabilities and mental health needs, according to The Housing Ombudsman’s latest ‘learning from severe maladministration’ report.
The report details cases where housing providers have failed to adequately respond to the recommendations of occupational therapists (OT) to provide timely adaptations or delivered poor communication to vulnerable tenants.
Bristol, Kingston upon Thames, Lambeth, Somerset and Southwark councils were highlighted in the report, which is based on 35 investigations where tenants have asked for a home adaptation or service adjustment.
Housing associations Clarion, Longhurst Group, L&Q, Rooftop Housing Group, Sovereign Network Group and Vivid also appeared in the findings.
A Clarion spokesperson said: “We are deeply sorry to this resident for the delays in carrying out the work needed to adapt their home.
“We have since carried out a comprehensive, resident led review of our end to end Aids and Adaptations process and a proposed action plan is being developed to implement its recommendations, ensuring we deliver the high quality service our residents expect and deserve.”
Worcestershire-based Rooftop Housing Group took more than 27 months to act on home adaptations an OT deemed necessary for a child receiving chemotherapy, said the Ombudsman.
It also took over two years for the landlord to replace a leak in the ventilation system in the child’s bedroom, despite her immune system being “highly compromised.”
Rooftop sought local authority funding from a Disability Grant Fund to implement the changes, despite this taking more than 12 months to obtain. The 7,000-home landlord did not respond when the OT “pleaded” with it to pay for the adaptations “in light of this little girl’s life limiting condition.”
Boris Worrall, group chief executive at Rooftop Housing Group, said: “The service that this customer received was not good enough and I apologise.
”We have made a number of improvements since these issues arose in 2022.
”We are also reviewing how we deliver aids and adaptations to ensure that they are as appropriate, responsive and sensitive to the needs of all customers as possible.”
In the case of Lambeth Council, a resident was unable to wash herself for 14 months following an incident where she was stuck in the bath for almost 16 hours, causing “significant trauma” and a hospital admission. The local authority said staffing resources had delayed installation of a wet room.
>>See also: Welsh Ombudsman finds ‘injustice’ in social landlords’ approach to complaint handling
>>See also: Ombudsman’s first good practice guidance to focus on improving relationships between tenants and landlords
Richard Blakeway, Housing Ombudsman, said: “For decades landlords have helped millions of people who may otherwise have experienced poorer housing conditions.
“But this achievement should not obscure the significant failings identified in this report and the searching questions it presents to landlords about handling requests from residents with disabilities, adaptations and mental health needs.”
The Ombudsman has encouraged social landlords to develop specialities in dealing with requests from residents with autism, who may face communication barriers.
The social landlords named in the report have been approached for comment.
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