Worcestershire landlord appoints former Genesis financial director Ebele Akojie
Community Housing has appointed Ebele Akojie as its interim chief financial officer.
The experienced Akojie will join the 6,000-home housing association at the end of March after Richard Lethbridge steps down as director of finance to take a career break.
Akojie has more than two decades of experience in senior executive and board roles.
Her past positions include finance director at Genesis, chief financial officer at One Housing Group and executive director of finance and resources at Hertfordshire-based Settle.
She also sits on the boards of 8,500-home association Golding Homes and Heylo Housing’s for-profit registered provider.
>>See also: Housing association financial statements 2023/24: key trends and library of reports
A spokesperson for Community Housing said Akojie’s expertise “will be invaluable in supporting our financial strategy and ensuring Community Housing remains well-positioned to deliver long-term sustainability and value for residents.”
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