A total of 1,452 affordable homes due to be delivered under the plan
Hull City Council cabinet members have approved a plan to deliver nearly 6,000 homes by 2031.
Within the housing growth plan approved this week, 5,958 homes will be delivered between 2025 and 2031, including 1,452 for affordable tenures of which 800 will be council homes.
The plan’s delivery of 993 homes a year would be in excess of the 540 needed to meet the city’s identified housing need.
In a council document, the local authority said its direct housing delivery is currently almost entirely underpinned by Homes England grant, but it is unclear what funding will be available after the current Affordable Homes Programme ends next year.
It said: “The amount of funding, grant rates available, delivery timescales, preferred tenure types and any constraints around house types/locations will all inform both the council house delivery profile and the means by which those homes are developed.”
It said that the government’s reduction of Right to Buy discounts mean that there will be fewer receipts over the next few years.
It said: “This puts a greater emphasis on the need to ensure that Homes England are supportive of the Council’s growth ambitions and remain an active and involved partner throughout the plan period.”
More than 2,000 homes will be built on city centre sites identified in Hull’s local plan.
>>See also: Green light expected for 4,500-home Manchester regeneration project
>>See also: Manchester council plans disposal of brownfield sites to bring forward 700 homes
In an official document, the council said delivering the stated 993 homes per annum under the plan would be a significant challenge, requiring an acceleration of housebuilding and the conversion of non-residential buildings. Some of these sites would have to be developed out at “significantly higher density than might have otherwise been the case.”
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