Bogle was also instrumental in setting up Homes for Cathy group

David Bogle is to leave Hightown next March after 30 years as the housing association’s chief executive


David Bogle, chief executive, Hightown Housing Association

Bogle has grown the Hertfordshire provider from 550 to 9,000 homes in that time, while its turnover has mushroomed from £4m to £136m.

He has also been instrumental in setting up Homes for Cathy, a group of 120 housing associations and charities working together to end homelessness. Members sign up to seven commitments developed with the charity Crisis to help benchmark best practice.

Qadeer Kiani, chair of Hightown, said, “We are very grateful to David for his long service and the legacy which he will leave behind after a tenure of distinguished success for the organisation.

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“We will shortly be advertising the post to seek a new chief executive to lead Hightown, to continue to build on our strong foundations and to further enhance the impact of our work.”

Bogle said: “Hightown delivers demonstrable social value and makes a major contribution to ending homelessness in the region. I am most grateful to the Hightown staff and our other stakeholders for their exceptional support for our vision and purpose over the past 30 years.”