Malaysian-owned developer Atlip House’s scheme will include 421 co-living units

Brent Council has unanimously approved plans for 885 new homes in Wembley.

atlip gardens

Source: Haworth Tompkins

CGI image of what Atlip Gardens could look like

The Atlip Gardens project will see the redevelopment of a brownfield site at Atlip Road to provide 421 units for co-living, 88 for affordable tenures with the remainder for private sale.

In its committee report, the council recommended that 60 of the affordable units should be designated for affordable rent and 28 for shared ownership. Most of the affordable rented housing will be provided as three-bedroom family homes.

Submitted by Maylasian-owned developer Atlip House, the proposal incorporates commercial floorspace and workspace, with the whole development set across seven buildings ranging between two and 29 storeys alongside a single storey workspace building. 

The wider neighbourhood will have a new public square with play equipment and seating areas, a new courtyard with seating and landscaping and an improved tree-lined pedestrian and cycle link between Alperton Station and the Grand Union Canal .

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Prashant Patel, director of Atlip House Limited, wrote in a LinkedIn post: “The development will dramatically change Alperton, London, from the second the public step out of Alperton Tube Station.

”We now look forward to completing remaining formalities and signing a s106 agreement with Brent Council, and thereafter to work with an institutional partner to bring this development forward.”

Atlip Gardens is architect Haworth Tompkins’ largest residential scheme to date. Its delivery will be supported by around £16.6m of financial contributions via the mayoral and Brent community infrastructure levy.

Atlip House is owned by Asian Agri Investments Limited, which is registered in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.