A £4m investment will deliver local services and 30% affordable housing
Bellway has been granted outline planning permission for a 450-home scheme on the edge of Rushden, North Northamptonshire.
As part of the scheme, which was approved by North Northamptonshire Council, 30% of homes will be for affordable tenures under a section 106 agreement.
The same agreement will also Bellway invest more than £4m towards local services including schools, sports provision, libraries and bus services.
The scheme will include two new play areas, cycleways and footpaths. Meanwhile, a new community building could accommodate a shop, community hall or health facility. More than 40% of the site 58-acre site will be retained as public open space.
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Matt Smith, senior strategic land and planning manager (central) for Bellway, said: “Our aim is to deliver a family-friendly development, in a well-connected location, which blends in with its surroundings and supports the sustainable growth of Rushden. The new homes will be designed to be attractive and varied in character while reflecting the historical vernacular of the town.”
Bellway is now preparing reserved matters applications which it aims to submit in spring 2025.
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