Housing Today Live is also backed by the Chartered Institute of Housing and the Housing Forum

The leaders of the largest housing associations in London will gather at Housing Today Live in September to discuss housing priorities for the new government.

The G15 group and Housing Today will convene a roundtable of housing association leaders and other influential sector figures to discuss how we can provide the homes we need.

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Fiona Fletcher Smith, chair of the G15 and chief executive of L&Q

The debate will lead to the publication of an exclusive report in the autumn to guide policymakers.

The G15, currently chaired by L&Q boss Fiona Fletcher-Smith, is made up of the largest associations operating in London. Its members house one in 10 Londoners and manage more than 600,000 homes between them.

The private discussion will take place alongside a packed conference programme at the event at Church House, Westminster, on 18 September.

In addition to keynote speeches from housing’s biggest names, attendees will also be able to watch two panel debates.

It will feature a panel of experts talking about how we deliver the homes the country needs, themed around Housing Today’s A Fair Deal for Housing campaign, which aims to find solutions to help us build 300,000 homes a year.

A second session will look at whether we are ready to meet the requirements of maintaining and improving the nation’s social and affordable housing stock, as part of Housing Today’s Every Person Counts initiative.

Every Person Counts aims to share insights around workforce issues across the whole of the housing sector. It aims to provide a place where debates about skills, employment, regulatory compliance, equality diversity and inclusivity and workplace culture can play out and solutions can be shared

Housing Today Live is also supported by our partners the Chartered Institute of Housing and the Housing Forum.

Housing Today Live





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