The scheme is the latest in the Commissioners’ strategic land pipeline, which aims to develop 30,000 new build homes on church land

The Church Commissioners for England, the body responsible for managing the Church of England’s property assets, has submitted a planning application to deliver up to 150 homes in Fiskerton, Lincolnshire.

1099 - Fiskerton Illustrative Site Plan - Press Release-1

Source: Church Commissioners for England

A illustrative site plan of the proposed developed at Fiskerton. 

The scheme, located six miles from the city of Lincoln, will include 25% affordable housing in line with the provisions of the local plan.

The scheme is the latest in the Commissioners’ strategic land pipeline, which also includes a 1,087-home development in nearby Bracebridge Heath.

Matt Naylor, principal asset manager of strategic land at the Church Commissioners for England, said: “In line with the Central Lincolnshire Local Plan, our plans will deliver much-needed high-quality new homes in the village on this allocated site”.

He added: “Our proposals have been informed by the local community and align with the Archbishop’s Commission’s vision for safe, sustainable housing across England.”

>> See also: Church of England secures planning permission for 1,087-home development in Lincoln

>> See also: Church of England embarks on its affordable housing mission

The homes will be built on an eight-hectare site designated for development in the Central Lincolnshire Local Plan, which was adopted in April 2023.

The project will achieve policy-compliant levels of Biodiversity Net Gain (BNG) and will include sustainable drainage systems to support local wildlife.

The scheme was designed by Edward Architecture, a Leeds-based architecture practice.

The development will form part of the Church Commissioner’s plan to develop 30,000 new build homes on church land, of which 9,000 will be affordable.

The plan is in response to the publication of last year’s Coming Home report which called on the church to do more to address the housing crisis as part of its mission to help the poor.

The Church Commissioner recently submitted two other planning applications in Sussex: one at Barnham, for 1,250 new homes, and another at West Bersted, for 2,200 new homes.

Last year, the Church of England announced plans to set up a housing association to become a “major provider of social housing” nationally.