At least 10,600 of the new dwellings will be for affordable housing
Barnet Council will aim to build nearly 44,000 new homes by 2036 after its new local plan was approved at a full council meeting earlier this week.
The new homes in the northwest of London will be built in ‘the most sustainable locations’, according to the council, including ‘growth areas’, towns, transport nodes, estate renewal areas and major thoroughfares. At least 10,600 of the new dwellings will be for affordable housing.
The 2021-2036 plan replaces the previous 2012 plan and seeks to deliver up to 67,000m² of new office space across Barnet’s town centres, a new metropolitan town centre at Brent Cross, and a regional park with three sports and recreational hubs.
Public realm improvements for walking and cycling are also included in the initiative.
Ross Houston, deputy leader and cabinet member for homes and regeneration at Barnet Council said: “Our Local Plan ensures we retain the borough’s qualities while addressing climate change and future housing and infrastructure needs. It reflects our commitment to building a brighter, more sustainable future for everyone in Barnet.”
The local authority’s local plan includes 51 policies and 58 site proposals for development. Together with the London Plan, it forms the development plan for Barnet.
An independent planning inspector appointed by the secretary of state for housing, communities and local government examined the plan before it was adopted. It is also set to enhance transport infrastructure, including the West London Orbital railway and new stations at Colindale and Brent Cross West.
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