All Market articles – Page 4
Report backed by major developers calls for government to help SME housebuilders
Pocket Living has urged the government to to create Homes England ‘SME managers’ as part of 10-point plan to help ‘save’ smaller housebuilder sector
Moody’s reconfirms Southern Housing’s A3 stable credit rating
The credit ratings agency said Southern has a very strong balance sheet and liquidity but its interest cover remains weak
Abri invests ‘record’ £100m in existing homes but sees 19% dip in annual completions
The 50,000-home housing association reports ‘exceptional’ surplus of £518m due to merger with Silva Homes.
Watkin Jones to build tallest residential building in Scotland
The student housing developer has received planning permission to deliver a 36-storey, 784-bed development in Glasgow
G15 stresses sector’s ‘desperate need for certainty’ and calls for 10-year rent settlement
London’s largest housing associations has warned that to continue delivering affordable homes, it needs rent policy certainty
Mayor of London oversees just 71 completions under the current AHP in first quarter of 2024/25
Khan says the latest figures underline the major challenges facing the sector
Melin and Newport City Homes appoint new executive team ahead of planned merger
Three group executive directors have been appointed to help lead the new association
Accent Group more than doubles spending on existing homes
The Bradford-based housing association has invested a total of £52m in its existing homes, and built 431 new homes
Great Places increases pre-tax surplus in first quarter
The Manchester-based housing association reported £30m in cash and £405m in undrawn credit facilities
L&Q increases operating surplus by 60% in first quarter while completions halve
The 105,000-home housing association has also increased its fixed asset sales and sold its land business, L&Q Estates
BPHA boosts turnover but reports deficit due to one-off refinancing costs
Bedfordshire landlord increases completions by 20%
Regulator tells Barratt and Redrow to resolve local competition issues before £2.5bn merger can proceed
CMA raises concern about lessening of competition in one local market in Shropshire
Surplus down but turnover rises in SNG’s first post-merger financial accounts
The merged organisation, which is aiming to develop 25,000 new homes over the next decade, says its balance sheet is ‘robust, diversified and resilient’
Platform Housing’s surplus falls due to pension scheme exits costing £18m
The Midlands-based housing association also cited cost pressures from investment in homes, customer services, and high inflation
Local housing deals could deliver almost 200,000 new social homes over the next 30 years, LGA says
The LGA has said that local councils need funding and autonomy, stressing that they ’know their areas best’
Wiltshire Council urges housing associations to halt disposals over fears of losing rural affordable housing
The local authority passed a motion last week regarding GreenSquareAccord’s plan to sell local homes
Bromford Housing reports increase in turnover, but higher operating costs
Housing association blames rise on higher repair volumes
Dame Kate Barker says housing market is worse today than it was 20 years ago
New Barker housing commission has sent initial recommendations from its housing supply review to the housing minister
Bromford retains A+ credit rating from S&P
Agency cites management expertise, robust planning and strong liquidity as key factors for confirming the rating
L&Q sells strategic land business to Urban & Civic
L&Q’s chief executive Fiona Fletcher-Smith revealed that the housing association was exploring the sale of its strategic land business in May, stating it is not a “core” function