All Market articles – Page 10
Housing sales in November fell for third month in a row, HMRC says
Transactions dropped by almost a quarter compared with November 2022
Guinness reveals smaller operating surplus in half-year update
Social housing provider expects to deliver 883 new homes by the end of 2023/24 financial year, an increase on previous year
House sales up 17% compared to a year ago, says Zoopla
Cash buyers expected to account for a third of all house sales this year, as higher mortgage rates bite
Telford-based volumetric modular firm to collaborate with South Korean developer
Elements Europe sets up MoU to share its technology and manufacturing processes
Metropolitan Thames Valley Housing’s ‘A-’ credit rating affirmed
The credit rating agency has also upgraded its outlook on MTVH from negative to stable
UK house prices fell by 1.2% in the year to October, ONS says
Year-on-year decline in average house prices for October was greater than it was in September
Homes England appoints new affordable housing director
Shahi Islam will take over from Jackie Jacob, who is set to retire at the end of this month
In Focus
North East Housing Partnership: using strategic sites and aligning funding to build more affordable homes
A total of 17 social landlords have come together to form a group aimed at boosting affordable housing delivery in the North-east. Olivia Barber finds out more.
Housing starts and completions down on same period last year, Homes England data shows
In the first six months of the financial year, housing starts have seen sharpest decline
Will 2024 bring transformational change for the housing sector?
A general election amid a rise in off-balance sheet funding models, joint ventures and a more nuanced role for MMC – Richard Jones looks at what 2024 may hold for housing
Housing market outlook improving as mortgage rates ease, says RICS
Sales expectations improve among surveyors as Bank of England holds base rate again
A2 Dominion appoints former Sovereign executive as chief finance officer
The housing association has streamlined two executive finance director roles as part of leadership changes related to its new corporate strategy
Three social housing landlords found in breach of regulatory standards
Origin found to be non-compliant with economic standards, while Woking and Wigan have breached consumer standards
Operating margin of 200 largest social landlords falls to lowest since 2009, says regulator
Landlords’ aggregate accounts also show that interest cover is at its lowest level since 2010
Regulator upgrades three RPs and downgrades another in latest judgements
RSH publishes 60 judgements
Springfield ‘on track’ to hit expectations but completions fall
Scottish housebuilder aiming to cut debt through land sales as it re-enters affordable housing market
Tower Hamlets Community Housing and Poplar HARCA agree merger
Boards give go-ahead to merger which will see Poplar HARCA take on homes owned by Tower Hamlets Community Housing
Government should create ‘flying squad’ of viability experts for section 106 deals, report says
Centre for London report says viability experts are needed in complex s106 negotiations
Why do we keep missing the government’s housing delivery target?
The housing market is not dysfunctional, it is the planning system that is holding back development, writes Paul Smith
House prices rise for the second month in a row, says Halifax
Increase in house prices in November is slightly lower than in October, but market continues to show signs of recovery