‘We will never lose sight of what happened’ - Rochdale Boroughwide Housing CEO Amanda Newton on addressing failures after a tragic death

Amanda Newton on Freehold

How do you set about leading an organisation after tragedy? Newton was hired following the death of two-year-old Awaab Ishak from mould exposure in an RBH home. In her first major interview, she explains to Olivia Barber how she is driving change

Leading an organisation following a crisis that made national headlines is not a responsibility that many would voluntarily sign up for. But Amanda Newton,  chief executive of Rochdale Boroughwide Housing (RBH), says that somebody needed to step up and, as a housing professional, she felt “a huge responsibility to make sure people can be safe”.

She therefore left her role as executive director of customer insight at Liverpool-based Livv Group last September to take on arguably the most difficult chief executive role in social housing currently.

As part of Housing Today’s Every Person Counts campaign, Olivia Barber visited Rochdale to meet Newton and find out what has changed at RBH.

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