Trusted media brand of the Chartered Institute of Housing
Trusted media brand of the Chartered Institute of Housing
Russell Pedley of Assael Architecture explains why how putting homes above a railway line is tricky yet lucrative
As a student, Russell Pedley wrote his thesis on single-person housing in the private rented sector (PRS). Little did he realise he would one day be director of a practice that has become something of a specialist in the burgeoning build-to-rent sector. Assael Architecture’s portfolio now includes two east London projects – Legal & General’s Blackhorse Mills in Walthamstow and Imperial Two in Bromley-by Bow – as well as Prosperity Capital Partners’ Old Brewery Gardens in Manchester.
The practice was early into the UK sector, thanks to a determination to diversify in a tough market, recalls Pedley. But his curiosity about the PRS was personal. “I was always interested in creating communities,” he says.
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