Trusted media brand of the Chartered Institute of Housing
Trusted media brand of the Chartered Institute of Housing
Bookworm, employee of the year, and the face of Notting Hill Genesis - in the latest in our Frontline Stories series, John Burns tells Alex Funk the story that brought him to the sector
August 10 1992. John Burns can still remember the exact day he arrived in London from Dublin with a stack of CVs and one month to find a job.
“Somebody I was at school with in Dublin kept inviting me over to London for a holiday. I was unemployed for a very long time, did a lot of voluntary work but never managed to land the job…
“I went to a job centre and said: “if you can find me a job or an interview, I’m happy to take it.”
Burns’ education and career journey had thus far been atypical as he navigated life with cerebral palsy in a world that was only just shifting towards inclusivity and accesibility.
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