Trusted media brand of the Chartered Institute of Housing
Trusted media brand of the Chartered Institute of Housing
The Building the Future Commission has spent several months analysing the English planning system. Joey Gardiner reports
When Redrow founder Steve Morgan accused the government this year of acting like it “wants to destroy the industry”, it was pretty clear what he was mainly taking aim at: the English planning system. Morgan was just one of a myriad of housebuilders and developers to complain in recent months about the operation of a system made even worse by Michael Gove’s December 2022 plans to water down local housing targets.
In response to mounting evidence of the dire state of the planning system – and the extent to which it is now holding back delivery of new homes – the Building the Future Commission decided to launch a review of the system. Doing so proved an enormous challenge, but it also unearthed a surprising degree of consensus, and prompted some far-reaching recommendations.
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