Making a difference to people’s lives: My work as a neighbourhood manager at BHA

Katie Cockburn photo

Katie Cockburn has worked in housing on the east coast of Scotland for more than two decades. For our Frontline Stories series, she chats with Olivia Barber about her journey and finding her voice as a changemaker in the housing sector.

Katie Cockburn has worked for Berwickshire Housing Association, based on the East Coast of Scotland, for over 20 years. From the beginning, she aspired to become a housing officer. Now, she is a neighbourhood manager and last year, she was selected to participate in the GEM programme for talented future housing leaders.

While working in a non-frontline training and sales role for Berwickshire Housing Association’s former subsidiary, HomeHunt, Cockburn realised she wanted to work directly with people rather than behind the scenes.

“It wasn’t quite a jealousy, but seeing those officers, I thought, ‘I really want to be doing that’”, she says.

In 2018, she became a housing officer and is now a neighbourhood manager. What she enjoys most about her job is “seeing the difference you’re making to people’s lives”.

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