Trusted media brand of the Chartered Institute of Housing
Trusted media brand of the Chartered Institute of Housing
Stonewater has grown its housing stock by around 10,000 properties in just 10 years since it was formed through a merger of Raglan and Jephson. Nick Harris talks about the challenge of maintaining customer service across a large number of rural areas
The chief executive has taken an unusual route to the social housing sector via studying glaciers and working for British American Tobacco. He tells Carl Brown about his journey
From starting out in retail to holding financial positions in major companies, Sarah Jones has always had a way with numbers. Now, as boss of the largest non-profit provider of housing for older people, her concern is how to boost the number of social rented homes
The Vauxhall and Camberwell MP has been appointed chair of a cross-party group which seeks to hold the new government to account on its housing policies. Here, she explains how affordable homes and local government finance are her central priorities
The outgoing chair of the Chartered Institute of Housing has spent the past 40 years striving to make the sector more inclusive while inspiring young talent to join. As part of Housing Today’s Every Person Counts campaign, she talks about her journey
The Peabody deputy chief executive shares her journey from leaving school at 16, how her experiences shaped her and why she wants more people to ‘choose housing’
Despite managing only 35,000 homes, Vivid is now in the UK’s top five biggest developing housing associations. The group’s chief executive explains its strategy and its plan to transform customer services
The chief executive speaks to Carl Brown about his thoughts on the manifestos, how we boost the financial capacity of social landlords, mandatory qualifications and the new Housing Community Summit in Liverpool
How do you set about leading an organisation after tragedy? Newton was hired following the death of two-year-old Awaab Ishak from mould exposure in an RBH home. In her first major interview, she explains to Olivia Barber how she is driving change
In a wide-ranging interview, Clare Miller calls for the regulator to be in charge of social housing rent settlements, gives her thoughts on the ombudsman and calls for housing to be given a priority in the election. Carl Brown reports.
Episode 5: Follow the money – Liz Peace, former chief executive of the British Property Federation, talks to Jackie Sadek and Peter Bill about finding a financial model to kick-start a nationwide affordable housebuilding programme
Episode 4: Bricks and mortar, hearts and minds - Darren Rodwell, Labour’s candidate for Barking and council leader for the east London borough, on how he expects the Labour leadership to reveal more housing policy detail now the election has been called
Housing policy expert Toby Lloyd talks to Jackie Sadek and Peter Bill about his time in government at the height of Brexit chaos, higher space standards, capturing land value and what we should read into Labour’s stated ambitions for after the general election
Nick Atkin is well known for being a disruptor in the social housing sector. Here he speaks to Carl Brown about some of his latest strategies – and why he is betting big on real-time data and smart technology
Taylor Wimpey chief executive talks to Jackie Sadek and Peter Bill about why the planning system is broken and what would need to change for private housebuilders to consider building council homes at scale. Listen and read extracts here
Episode 1: The Swiss Army Knife – Homes England chair talks to Jackie Sadek and Peter Bill about the importance of housing targets, reforms to planning and investing in MMC. Listen and read extracts here
The former solicitor and Onward Homes boss tells Olivia Barber about her time at the regulator, her customer-focused mission and her secrets for navigating mergers
This is part of a special report produced by our sister title Building in partnership with Gleeds
The Vistry boss talks about bonuses, subcontractor price cuts, offsite construction - and whether Vistry can really follow through on its expansion strategy
Moran sits down with Olivia Barber to discuss his journey to becoming CEO, multiple mergers and current challenges – from funding to retrofitting terraced housing and achieving net zero
As she announces her plan to stand down, Metropolitan Thames Valley Housing’s chief executive reflects on her 35 years in the housing industry and what she thinks the future holds for the sector
Our pick of the best Housing Today features from the past 12 months
A total of 17 social landlords have come together to form a group aimed at boosting affordable housing delivery in the North-east. Olivia Barber finds out more.
North-east housing heavyweight Jill Murray is putting improved competency of housing staff at the centre of her presidential campaign. In her first interview in the hotseat, she explains how her campaign couldn’t have come at a better time, writes Carl Brown.
Places for People plans to ramp up development with the help of its newly-formed strategic land division. PfP executive Adrian Bohr tells Olivia Barber how he sees it working
Hyde’s chief executive explains the parallels between his banking career and housing and how he intends to use third-party funding models to boost development
Have we reached the point where diversity needs to be enforced through regulation? The CIH president thinks so
Clarion smashed its housebuildng record last year but has since dialled back on its development plans. Richard Cook, its director of development, explains his vision for the group
The one-time New Labour fixer tells Joey Gardiner about his plans to expand the English Cities Fund, the ‘shameful’ state of English planning - and what the next government needs to do to get more homes built
Taylor Wimpey’s chief executive thinks that a national housing strategy is needed to save the country from its current planning paralysis.
Redrow founder and industry veteran Steve Morgan says the government is letting down the industry by giving in to anti-development pressure. Joey Gardiner asks the former Tory donor if he will be giving to the party again…
Chief executive Nigel Wilson tells Joey Gardiner why not all of L&G’s investments have worked out so far - but why he remains optimistic that they will
The boss of the UK’s largest housing association developer L&Q talks to Carl Brown about net zero, her frustrations with government and plans for expansion in the north west
Lib Dem grandee Lord Andrew Stunell explains why his party isn’t anti-development and how he would increase housing delivery to 300,000 homes a year.
John Tonkiss, chief executive of retirement housing giant McCarthy Stone, talks about what the future holds for the later living sector
Large housing associations are grappling with how to keep development going while dealing with decarbonisation, building safety and stock maintenance challenges. Sovereign boss Mark Washer explains how he is trying to square this circle.
As Pete Redfern announces he is standing down, here is Housing Today’s exclusive two-part interview with the long-time Taylor Wimpey boss from earlier this year.
In his first major interview as Peabody chief executive, Ian McDermott explains how he sees the housing association mega-merger with Catalyst playing out
Affordable housing guru talks about chairing for-profit provider ReSI, the problems with planning and his frustration at a lack of a national housing strategy
Home Group chief executive Mark Henderson talks levelling up, shared ownership, development, care and decarbonisation in a wide-ranging interview.
In the second half of his exclusive interview, the boss of the all-new Office for Place gives his take on housebuilders
There are few topics more controversial than planning reform and placemaking and few people more passionate about them than Nicholas Boys Smith. Read the first of a two-part interview
New G15 chair Geeta Nanda talks about bigger bills for housing associations and the likely impact on development
Terrie Alafat is heading up a new commission that seeks to put housing at the heart of Britain’s post covid-19 recovery. Here, she explains why she is confident it will be more than just another talking shop
Chief executive of partnerships builder speaks in depth to Housing Today amid speculation of sale or flotation
The founder of Hill Group on why making a positive difference to people’s lives has always motivated him more than just making money
Homes England’s land and development boss says change is coming around MMC and procurement, in the second part of our exclusive interview
In the first of a two-part interview, Homes England’s chief land and development officer talks about where he thinks the organisation might be heading
Partnerships boss has ambitions to ramp up number of homes delivered a year, as well as concerns over planning reforms and construction capacity
Guli Francis-Dehqani, the first bishop for housing, takes up her post in April. With a Church of England housing report out this weekend, she explains why the role is much more than a token one
Lawyer turned housing innovator explains how the festival is helping deliver MMC built homes in Bristol
The new arrival talks about his ambitions to increase the number of socially rented homes in London
The Urban Catalyst founder on big plans for the Essex town, improving the health of its residents and what regeneration is like post-Brexit
The founding director of developer TOWN on award-winning co-housing scheme Marmalade Lane and how to shake up placemaking
The managing director of Storey Homes on succeeding as an SME housebuilder and taking on the government
Russell Pedley of Assael Architecture explains why how putting homes above a railway line is tricky yet lucrative
The housebuilder’s chief talks to Housing Today about the challenges it and other pocket-sized housebuilders face
The modular homes manufacturer talks targeting new markets, new factories, and a modular academy
The Croydon developer talks to Housing Today about plans to take its model of delivering affordable homes across the capital
The UK Regeneration founder on bringing a “great estates” type model to the whole of Biggleswade
”We heard rumblings about Carillion early doors, and put together a ‘what if’ plan”
The architect and TV presenter wants the government to build 100,000 council homes a year
The developer MD talks through the self- and custom-build scheme showcased on Channel 4’s Grand Designs – The Street
The council leader takes Housing Today on a tour of the borough he hopes to regenerate and revive
The architect on designing London’s large, residential-led schemes and how to make distinctive places
The housing company boss talks rent-to-buy, its relationship with the council, and helping to found a boxing academy
The campaign group leader discusses snagging retention and what reforms buyers really need
The acclaimed architect discusses distinctive places, design and build, and developing communities to combat loneliness
The regeneration manager on his current new-build and refurb project, and why councils are trusted by housebuyers
The build-to-rent specialist’s development director on how to meet a 1,000 homes-a-year target
The Chelmsford-based housebuilder’s directors on their plans for the small but ambitious company in today’s housing mix
The architect discusses his experiences working with councils and what makes good neighbourhoods
Why house prices will never grow again, what affordability really means, and the sky-high running costs of skyscrapers
Building homes in public-private joint venture has worked for Sheffield, says housing company director
How to coordinate the delivery of 3,000 homes and community facilities – and keep it all eco-friendly
The head of the Greater Manchester Combined Authority on driving regeneration while protecting green belt land
The housebuilder boss explains the why and how of its shift towards build to rent
The adviser to Liverpool’s mayor discusses the challenges and rewards of regeneration in northern England
The chair of the G15 group of London housing associations has worked in the sector for 30 years – how does he see its future unfolding?
The Homes England director on offsite housebuilding, working with housing associations, and on being a master developer
L&G has ambitious plans to set up a diversified housing business delivering 15,000 homes a year – a large share of them modular