Trusted media brand of the Chartered Institute of Housing
Trusted media brand of the Chartered Institute of Housing
The new arrival talks about his ambitions to increase the number of socially rented homes in London
The youthful new deputy mayor for housing in London, Tom Copley, started his job at City Hall on quite a day for the capital – and the country. March 23 was the day that prime minister Boris Johnson announced he was putting the UK into lockdown to fight the coronavirus, an act with profound repercussions for everyone – but not least for the job he had been given. Within days, around 85% of UK housebuilding activity had ceased, with Savills estimating work on 28,000 homes was halted in the capital. “It wasn’t the first few weeks I was expecting when I accepted the job, that’s for sure,” the 35-year old Labour Party activist told Housing Today last week.
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