Trusted media brand of the Chartered Institute of Housing
Trusted media brand of the Chartered Institute of Housing
The housebuilder boss explains the why and how of its shift towards build to rent
Telford Homes is shifting its focus from building for sale to building to rent in a big way. The London developer’s transition is evident from the fact that this year it has announced two significant moves in as many months. In February it sealed a forward-funding deal for its Equipment Works site in Walthamstow, east London, selling it to a joint venture of investment platform Henderson Park and private rental specialist Greystar. In March it named M&G and Invesco as long-term strategic investment partners for a future pipeline, with the former being priority partner for schemes with up to 200 build to rent homes, and Invesco having priority for those with more than 200.
Telford Homes and build to rent are a natural fit, says the company’s chief executive Jon Di-Stefano. It is already known for apartment schemes in Stratford and other trendy London districts – just the kind of addresses likely to appeal to the capital’s private renters, in fact.
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