‘I love helping people’: My work as a community safety officer at Abri

hayley abri

Ex-police officer Hayley McMillan helps to improve residents lives’ by tackling issues such as domestic abuse and anti-social behaviour on a daily basis. As part of our Frontline Stories series, she speaks to Alex Funk about her role

Dealing with incidents relating to ”domestic abuse, racial hatred and antisocial behaviour” on a daily basis is not for everybody.

’ But Hayley McMillan, who works as community safety officer,  approaches her task with positivity and the goal of “leaving things in a better position than [she] found them.” “It’s a really diverse and varied role,” she says, with a smile.’

Housing Today catches up with former police office McMillan, who is employed by 50,000-home housing association Abri, as part of Frontline Stories, a new series of pieces profiling housing employees’ work. 

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