Housing Today publishes its exclusive research into ways of boosting affordable housing in London, in partnership with the G15 group
In London, housing associations currently provide 289,000 social rented homes. Research carried out for the G15 group of London housing associations as part of its Room to Grow campaign has found these homes each contribute an average of £23,777 or more in value annually, totalling over £6.86bn every year.
Providing new social tenancies for the 323,800 households on London’s waiting lists would inject at least an additional £7.7bn a year into London and the UK’s economy.
However, while social housing providers and ministers are both aware of the need for more affordable housing, both housing associations and the government have balance sheets constraints.
This inaugural State of the Capital report, produced by Housing Today in partnership with G15, looks at several ideas that could be adopted to help the sector build much-needed affordable housing in London during these difficult times.
The report is written by Carl Brown of Housing Today, in collaboration with the G15. It was informed by a meeting of G15 leaders, along with council and third sector representatives at the Housing Today Live conference in Westminster last September. The report will become an annual event, with the G15 leaders convening this year at Housing Today’s Building the Future conference in October.
G15 HT State of the Capital report
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