Trusted media brand of the Chartered Institute of Housing
Trusted media brand of the Chartered Institute of Housing
The scandal of highly insulated newbuild homes that overheat in summer has been evident for years, climate advisers’ warnings can no longer be ignored
Earlier this week the government’s independent climate change adviser, the Committee on Climate Change, lacerated it for a “notable failure” to address the issue of overheating in homes. Nothing has been done, it said, despite previous warnings and clear evidence the problem is killing thousands each year.
While “notable failure” is a strong condemnation in the measured language of officialdom, actually, for anyone who has looked in detail at the evidence, the Committee (CCC) is showing admirable restraint. The lack of action to address overheating in homes looks like an egregious aberration by this and previous governments over the last decade – all the more striking when one considers how technically simple it would be to address. And it’s a problem we’ve known about in detail for getting on for a decade.
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