Trusted media brand of the Chartered Institute of Housing
Trusted media brand of the Chartered Institute of Housing
The Urban Catalyst founder on big plans for the Essex town, improving the health of its residents and what regeneration is like post-Brexit
This month, Thurrock council formally updated the name of Purfleet in Essex, rechristening it Purfleet-on-Thames. The move conjures up images of affluent Henley and Walton to the west of the capital, and is an indication that Purfleet is on the up.
Regeneration has provided the impetus for the local community’s petition to the council for the name change.
A new town centre is in prospect, with up to 2,850 more homes – a big population jump for a town with 12,000 people – amenities and improved transport infrastructure, alongside more than 1 million ft2 of film and television production studios and a university campus.
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