All Housing articles – Page 7
New survey finds attitude to urban brownfield regeneration ‘overwhelmingly positive’
A survey commissioned by Landsec, British Land and Berkeley found that almost 80% of people felt urban regeneration would have a positive impact on their area
Housing associations will need £54bn to deliver social housing targets in the London Plan, G15 says
The G15 has urged the government to help it leverage more private finance through a 10-year rent settlement and access to the Building Safety Fund
Slough Borough Council considers future of its troubled wholly-owned housing company
The council will consider the case for continuing with James Elliman Homes (JEH) which has made a loss since 2020
Non-compliant A2Dominion hires new interim governance and compliance director
Housing association has appointed Hformer RBH director Hilary Milne as new interim director overseeing its governance and compliance
Orbit’s development drops by 30% as it ramps up spend on existing homes
The Midlands housing association’s surplus falls by 39%
Ombudsman report criticises landlords for poor handling of temporary moves to carry out repairs
Blakeway identifies communication, timing, and not following policies as key issues in the maladministration cases reviewed
One in four social housing blocks with fire safety defects lack remediation plans, says regulator
Social landlords have identified 1,932 buildings as having ‘life-critical’ fire safety defects to the EWS
The traditional housebuilding partnership model has not delivered, Vistry boss says
Firm’s partnerships and regeneration chief says private sector and government partnership hasn’t worked
Housing associations should look at residents for next generation of talent, says Peabody asset chief
Andrea Joseph tells Housing Today Live that answer to skills issue may lie ‘within’
Gleeson sells more homes but profit slips
Housebuilder now turning attention to hitting 3,000 homes a year target after restructuring
In Focus
Co-living: Where does it go from here?
The past few years have seen investors plunge cash into the co-living market. Will it live up to the hype and why is it leaving councils cold? Daniel Gayne went to a scheme in Manchester to find out
CIH Scotland highlights ‘significant’ shortfall of student bed spaces in cross-party report
Edinburgh, Glasgow and Dundee are facing shortages of thousands of bed spaces
Clarion sells 700 properties to Eastlight Community Homes
125,000-home provider has sold nearly 3,000 homes to other providers since April 2022
Average house prices increase to £370,000 as buyers act on falling mortgage rates
Prices have increased by almost £3,000, which is double the long-term average for September
West of Scotland Housing Association boss to retire next year
Brian Gannon has announced he will be stepping down as chief executive of the Glasgow-based housing association in spring 2025
Guinness undershoots development target by nearly half
Landlord says resource pressures and contractor administrations hit annual development figures
Consider allowing developers to pay for faster planning decisions, says Tony Blair Institute report
Report also calls for replacement of section 106 mechanism
Last government’s retrofit programmes to stay as minister says no time for ‘hiatus’
Miatta Fahnbulleh said DESNZ would take ‘area-based’ approach to rolling out efficiency improvements
In partnership
Green upskilling: How is Sheffield council driving retrofit in the city?
Laura Hayfield, head of employment, skills & economy, Sheffield City Council speaks to Jordan Marshall about the initiative