All Housing articles – Page 4
Regulator of Social Housing issues top ‘C1’ grading to a council for the first time
A South Yorkshire council has received a ‘C1’ for how it is meeting the consumer standards outcomes
Social landlords increase stock at faster rate despite ‘challenging economic environment’, RSH reveals
Providers increase stock by nearly 43,000 homes, compared to around 33,000 homes the previous year due to increase in social rent homes
Orbit appoints new director of customer experience
Former Asda customer insight lead will be responsible for creating new strategy
Social housing leaders welcome government prioritising the sector but call for even longer rent settlement
Government announces a five-year rent settlement and £500m Affordable Homes Programme top-up ahead of longer-term strategy next year
Alex Norris replaces Rushanara Ali as building safety minister
Ali lost the brief after it came to light that she had attended a conference sponsored by a cladding firm linked to Grenfell
HBF urges the government to launch a replacement for closed Help to Buy
New analysis by the trade body has indicated that the Help to Buy scheme will return £2bn to the exchequer once all loans are repaid
GreenSquareAccord’s chief financial officer set to join Abri
Jo Makinson will leave GSA in December
More than 300,000 London households on waiting lists for social housing
Centre for London and the G15 are calling for £15bn funding per year to deliver 33,000 social rent homes a year
Labour can and should release the potential of modular housing
The UK leads the way in the field of offsite housing construction. It is time for the government to have some skin in the game, Ben Derbyshire writes
CIH Scotland has ‘serious concerns’ that introducing Passivhaus equivalent will affect housing delivery
Devolved government plans to bring in standard for all new builds
Solihull Council appoints Vistry to deliver MMC sustainable housing scheme
The development will be 100% affordable
Places for People appoints new managing director for developments
Andrew Usher has been promoted from development director to managing director for developments
Councils urge chancellor to take ‘immediate action’ as one in four councils risk needing bailouts
LGA says Budget must provide councils with financial stability to protect the services
Homes England ‘supporting’ TopHat amid wind-down reports
Firm understood to be winding down its volumetric operations
Sutton council picks development partner for 740-home town centre regeneration
Several sites to be redeveloped in second phase of project
Government should create cross-departmental housing delivery unit, says report
Housing commission, originally chaired by Kate Barker, calls for ‘cold cash’ to subsidise social rent homes
Pennycook commits to new consumer code for housebuilders in CMA response
More work needed to address ‘fleeceholds’, government says
Birmingham City Council proposes reducing affordable housing target for brownfield developments
Council says proposed local plan changes are not about watering down affordable housing, but about being ‘realistic’
New NHF report urges social landlords to use data to make contact with residents count
The report says that landlords do not need to wait for IT solutions to make use of resident data
Landlords struggling with damp and mould repairs timescales, Ombudsman finds
The watchdog has shared more than 100 severe maladministration cases on damp and mould ahead of Awaab’s Law being introduced.