Trusted media brand of the Chartered Institute of Housing
Trusted media brand of the Chartered Institute of Housing
Today is White Ribbon Day - a global campaign to raise awareness about violence against women and girls. Here, Sally Atkinson argues social landlords have a key role to play in tackling abuse in the home
In the UK, one in four women will experience domestic abuse in their lifetime. This means almost everyone reading this will know someone affected. For me, it’s not just a statistic. I work with these women every day, residents for whom domestic abuse is a relentless, daily reality.
Mine is not a desk job. I spend my days checking on residents, talking through safety plans, installing security measures, and advocating for women at risk.
I’m not just a domestic abuse and child protection coordinator. I’m a taxi driver. I’m a furniture builder. I’m even a pet funeral celebrant. If a resident needs help saying a final goodbye to her rabbit or assembling a flat-pack table, I’m there. My mantra is simple: if I can help, I will.
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