Trusted media brand of the Chartered Institute of Housing
Trusted media brand of the Chartered Institute of Housing
The second staircase rule is already causing chaos for new build plans and Peabody is one of the developers in the eye of the storm. Phil Jenkins explains how the housing association is going about looking at its planned high-rises
All new development should achieve the highest standards of fire safety. This is Peabody’s starting point in relation to the government’s consultation on second staircases in buildings over 30 metres. This aligns with the Mayor of London’s position which is reflected in the decision to reference the government’s consultation stance as the London Plan policy.
This is Peabody’s starting point in relation to the government’s consultation on mandatory second staircases in buildings over 30 metres. This aligns with the Mayor of London’s position which is reflected in the decision to reference the government’s consultation stance as the London Plan policy.
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