Trusted media brand of the Chartered Institute of Housing
Trusted media brand of the Chartered Institute of Housing
Social housing developers in the UK are struggling to normalise the use of MMC in development and they should look at what’s happening in Asia and across Europe for inspiration, argues Andrew Yuill
My background isn’t just housing, I’m an accountant by trade, so when I joined Flagship Group, I had a real opportunity to look at things with fresh eyes and ask questions. Modern Methods of Construction (MMC) for example, has a plethora of suppliers and solutions, and can sometimes be baffling.
As I’m not steeped in traditional construction methodologies, I didn’t have to adapt my thinking around offsite too much. It has always been of interest to me, and given MMC’s ever shifting landscape, like a lot of us, I had to continue learning.
I knew that category 2 MMC – two-dimensional panel systems built in factories and assembled on site – would work better for our narrow rural roads and low-rise stock - mainly one or two-storey homes.
There was a problem though. Our vision at Flagship is to solve the housing crisis in the East of England, and my brief was to develop MMC that would work with our aim to build 4,967 properties over the next five years, with at least 375 produced offsite as part of our strategic partnership programme with Homes England
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