Trusted media brand of the Chartered Institute of Housing
Trusted media brand of the Chartered Institute of Housing
The UK housing crisis is so entrenched that it needs to be put onto a war footing and fought through a cross-party accord, says Jackie Sadek
The housing crisis… there is no silver bullet. That’s rather a tired cliché. But it is a cliché for good reason.
After years of hand wringing, mainly over lunch – one of the rare perks of age – Peter Bill and I decided to try to DO something about the housing crisis. First, we wrote a book. Not a lot happened. Then we wrote a policy paper for a leading think tank. Not a lot happened.
Our latest attempt to crack the problem is our podcast “Home Truths” with the estimable Building and Housing Today. This time, our endeavour to move the dial coincided with the calling of a general election. Will anything happen now? Well, we are ever the optimists.
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