How MTVH’s new charitable foundation will combat the persistent cost-of-living crisis


As Geeta Nanda steps down after 16 years as boss of Metropolitan Thames Valley Housing, she explains why she oversaw the launch of the association’s Molly Huggins Foundation as one of her final acts

As I prepare to step down after 16 years as chief executive of Metropolitan Thames Valley Housing (MTVH), I have been reflecting on the immense challenges we face as a society and how they have shaped our work over the years.

 The cost-of-living crisis, which has left millions in financial distress, is no longer a temporary hardship but a persistent reality for many and the breadth of this poverty is truly unique. This is why, as one of my final acts as chief executive, I was proud to launch the Molly Huggins Foundation on 31stJuly, marking a new chapter in our ongoing mission to create lasting positive impact for the most vulnerable.

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