Trusted media brand of the Chartered Institute of Housing
Trusted media brand of the Chartered Institute of Housing
Nicole Smith has returned to housing management for the first time in eight years and is staggered at how things have got more pressurised. Despite this, social landlords must not forget the importance of effective communication, Smith argues.
I didn’t used to think that eight years was a very long time, but now I know it is if you work in certain parts of housing.
It might be that those who’ve been in tenancy sustainment, safeguarding, allocations and lettings, welfare benefits, and intervention and enforcement throughout the last decade aren’t aware how much things have altered. Maybe, for them, the pressure has ramped up slowly and gradually.
But I’ve been away from Eastlight’s housing team since 2016 – when I moved to work in shared ownership sales for the 13,800-home organisation.
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