Awaab’s Law and the Future Homes Standard consultations: Key impacts for social housing providers and contractors

megan hinch matthew scott

Multiple sets of new standards for homes will give providers plenty to think about, including costs and skills, write Matthew Scott and Megan Hinch

Following the finalisation of the Social Housing (Regulation) Act in 2023, the Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communiites (DLUHC) and the regulator’s consultation machines have had remarkably little time off.

 The Regulator of Social Housing’s draft consumer standards were among the most significant of the proposals released in the second half of last year, and after a short hiatus over the holiday period, two new consultations have been issued by DLUHC that will fundamentally change how social landlords will be required to approach quality, decency, and energy efficiency in the sector: Awaab’s Law, and the Future Homes Standard. We’ve taken a look at the origin of both and the potential impact for social housing providers and the construction and property contractors that work alongside them.

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