All articles by Alex Funk
Northumberland County Council proposes tightening criteria to slash social housing waiting list by 40%
Changes to elegibility criteria could include directly letting properties to homeless clients and stronger local connection prioritisation
Green light for 450-home Bellway scheme in Northamptonshire
A £4m investment will deliver local services and 30% affordable housing
Platform appoints first ever sustainability director
Lianne Taylor joins Midlands-landlord as it ramps up spend on existing homes as part of net zero strategy
Hull City Council approves 6,000-home housing strategy
A total of 1,452 affordable homes due to be delivered under the plan
Sage Homes’ chief executive to step down after five years
Blackstone-backed Sage will begin looking for a successor soon
Ombudsman highlights social landlords’ ‘poor communication’ with residents about adaptations
Watchdog highlights examples including landlords failing to implement timely home adaptations for a child receiving chemotherapy and for a tenant who was unable to wash herself for 14 months
Northern Ireland removes intimidation points to ‘level the playing field for victims of violence’
Move means victims of sectarian intimidation on waiting lists will no longer receive additional points compared to those suffering other forms of abuse, such as domestic violence.
Rayner vows to ‘fix the system’ after report links 74 child deaths to temporary accommodation
Deputy prime minister describes findings by group of MPs as ‘shocking’
Lovell and LiveWest sign £300m joint venture deal to build 820 homes in North Devon
At least 324 dwellings will be for affordable tenures
Welsh Ombudsman finds ‘injustice’ in social landlords’ approach to complaint handling
Hafod Housing Association and Cardiff Council were deemed to have neglected duties under Equality Act
Bristol council approves 22-storey student tower
Building will be tallest in Temple Quarter regeneration
Cumbrian council aims to bring half of empty homes back into use by 2030
Launch of ‘Empty Homes Strategy’ aims to address lack of affordable housing and rising homelessness
Social housing waiting lists in capital reach decade-high, says London Councils
Boroughs left with £700m ‘black hole’ in social housing finances between 2023-24 and 2027-28
Dozens of social landlords introduce data handling training following Ombudsman report
Almost half of responding staff to a survey have received training since Ombudsman criticised sector in 2023
Southern rolls out new housing management model
‘Local link’ approach will combine patchless working with area-based supervision
Crown Estate appoints firms for three sustainable housing demonstration projects
GS8, Igloo Regeneration and Town will test out new approaches to eco-friendly housebuilding, building 200 homes in total
Manchester council plans disposal of brownfield sites to bring forward 700 homes
Clarion, Jigsaw and Great Places among those expecting to acquire land
Government must ‘keep an eye’ on skills required under Starmer’s plan-led system, warns NHF director
Alistair Smyth tells MPs the skills needed in town hall planning departments will change due to government reforms
In Focus
‘One in five of us is over 65. In 10 years, it’s going to be one in four’… Anchor CEO Sarah Jones on why affordable later living housing matters
From starting out in retail to holding financial positions in major companies, Sarah Jones has always had a way with numbers. Now, as boss of the largest non-profit provider of housing for older people, her concern is how to boost the number of social rented homes