Trusted media brand of the Chartered Institute of Housing
Trusted media brand of the Chartered Institute of Housing
Sarah Ireland, executive director of development, sales and homeownership said: "More public land to be made available for the accelerated delivery of affordable homes programmes.
"This can be paid for at an agreed reasonably assessed open market land value. When disposed of on a competitive basis sites can be sold over true value resulting in a reduction of the number of affordable homes delivered following negotiations around viability.
"Clarity needs to be provided around planning, CIL, and the delivery of affordable homes. The entire planning process is too slow in many local authority areas which are key to the success of our delivery plans."
The market is still very buoyant following the introduction of the stamp duty incentives in 2020 even though these were removed some time ago.
While this is good for sales the demand for new homes has the knock-on impact of making the land market even more competitive especially for land with planning. Overall, routes to home ownership are becoming much more expensive and less accessible.
The government and its advisors need to consider the impact of its policies and interventions on affordability and the ability to access home ownership options sustainably.